Nantara Thai Spa & Wellness:

”Discover the exquisite world of top-rated Thai massage, spa services, and unparalleled wellness experiences that await you at Nantara Thai Spa & Wellness”

Thai Massage

At Nantara Thai Spa, discover relaxation with 20+ personalized massages to meet your needs. Relax and feel renewed with our expert therapists for a refreshing experience.

Our Uniqueness

Delight in our exceptional service that goes above and beyond. Elevate any special occasion with a delightful touch - enjoy a complimentary Thai snack or cake to make your experience even more memorable.

If you have any special occasion, please let us know in advance.

One of the most important things, the facilities.


Nantara Thai Spa prioritizes top-notch customer safety and quality with standardized facilities to engage all five senses for complete relaxation during treatments.


Traditional Thai massage


“Traditional Thai massage has been added to a prestigious Unesco heritage list. Thai massage has also been recognised as something to be preserved for future generations”





Thai Herbs

We are proud to make our own Thai herbal compress balls with carefully selected ingredients from the best sources in Thailand for top quality, like zingiber cassumunar and turmeric from the north.

Local ingredients sourced to support Thai community.